Message From The Principal

Message From The Principal

Cantonment College Jashore (CCJ), is one of the leading oldest educational institutions in Bangladesh, took birth before the liberation war. We are proud having the experience of educating almost a million students so far. More than thousand faculties and support staffs have rendered their wholehearted effort in bringing this institution into today’s platform. As 17th Principal of the college, I sincerely acknowledge the hard work, dedication and unwavering commitment of all ex-students, retired and late faculties and support staffs.

CCJ aims to educate the students in rudimentary and fundamental grammar and theories in a friendly atmosphere. We prepare students for achieving excellent academic results. Here, modern educational facilities and scenic natural beauty of the campus inspire the students in learning better. We emphasize clear assimilation, effective communication, building morale character and developing self-confidence of the students.

Our academic curricula prepare the students for getting admission into different public universities both home and abroad. BNCC cadets are eligible to participate in ISSB without appearing at preliminary examination. They have access to ISSB practice ground on the campus. We also advocate students for entrepreneurship. Vibrant co-curricular activities, regular games and sports keep the students free from anxiety and monotony of everything.

We value guardians and their thoughts. Class teachers often communicate with them. We tolerate ‘Zero’ in obtaining unfair means and violation of basic discipline.

Let us all try to excel further and take CCJ towards the pinnacle of success.



Lieutenant Colonel


Cantonment College Jashore